Did you think I forgot to post today's file? Nope! It just took me all day to come up with something to share. I must draw more during the week. Anyway, I hope you like it. I named him/her Kitty Meow.....
If you take my file, please leave me a comment. I love reading them. Also, if you have any requests please leave them in the comments section. I will try to get to them all. Thanks for stopping by.
Welcome to this week's Art Spark Wednesday. I had fun playing with some homemade spray inks. Some worked, some didn't. I think I learn more from what doesn't work than what does. Which reminds me of something Donna Downey said in one or two of her Inspiration Wednesday videos on YouTube (look her up if you haven't already, you won't regret it). She taught me to go with those "what if..." moments.What is a what if moment? Well, let's say you're in the middle of creating a masterpiece and something in your brain says.....what if.....? (what if I paint this sky orange, what if I poke holes in my canvas, etc). By all means try it! You could end up with something really cool and unexpected. You could also end up with a mess that makes you slap your forehead and ask "what was I thinking. Either way you are learning something. And learn I did. I won't lie, I had some forehead slapping moments.....
I cut 2" paper squares from patterned paper and adhered them to my pages with Aleene's Clear Tacky Glue. That glue holds really well by the way. Then I went through my stash and found chipboard, diecuts, paper flowers and added them to my 2" squares.
Then I sprayed, painted, drew, slung and anything else to help things along.
Here is the video:
I added the quote and the bicycle diecut and VIOLA!
Thanks for stopping by to have a look. I hope this Wednesday finds you creating.
So I created this week's Magazine Monday on Canson Mixed media paper instead. Mostly because I couldn't wait to play with new paper. I hope you like it!
Acrylic paint background applied with a baby wipe. Then I added gesso where the flower was to go. Finally I painted over that with the colors I wanted went over it with white and black paint. I printed the quote on copy paper and cut it out and pasted it on there. I found some micro tip bottles at Jo-Ann crafts in the quilting tools section that are originally for sewing machine oil. They were on sale for .99 so I got 2 of them.
They work pretty well for drawing with paint. They are really tiny bottles, and so cute. Just be careful filling them with paint. I went gung ho and managed to get paint all over the outside of the bottle. A slow, steady stream of paint that doesn't touch the top what-so-ever is key. lol.
I hope you like my page this week. Thanks for stopping by.
TGIF BABY!!! Here are the files I created for this week. I hope you like them. I have been trying to come up with drawings of things I would like to use on cards for these. Sometimes I get stuck not knowing what to create. I was thinking to myself, "Self, why don't you ask your blog readers what they want to see and go from there?"
So, what would you guys like to see? Do you want images, greetings, both? What types? You guide me lol. I will try to use some of your ideas as inspiration strikes. I can't wait to see what you ask for. Enough with the words huh? Let's get to the files. Here they are in no particular order. Remember to leave me a comment on what else you would like to see here.
It's Beary
Blank Center Flower
This is the same flower but with a spiral center, for those of you that like your flower centers with a little curvature ;)
Introducing Liony
I wasn't sure whether or not to post this one. But then I if you don't care for it, you don't have to take it, right? Enjoy.
As always thanks for stopping by and taking a look.
Wow am I ever late posting this one eh? Sorry about that! I really like how this page turned out. Not terribly thrilled with the way I added the verse, but I am not going to change it now (I tried and it wanted to rip eeeppp!)
I gesso'ed my pages and then added some drywall tape, for texture.
Here it is after I sprayed on my background and painted all the flowers on.
Here is the page with the Bible verse added. It is John 20:29
Thanks for looking and I hope you have a blessed Monday (and Wednesday)
First of all I would like to apologize for the lateness of this week's Free Digis. I had a busy day with my kids today. Oldest is sick with Strep throat, no school today and then there was a school dance for my youngest 2. They looked so cute dressed up. Somewhere in there I did manage to create some files! Here they are in no particular order:
Cutie Flower Face
Heart Flower
Pretty Flower Face
This is such a random assortment isn't it? You can kind of tell I dove headfirst into my sketch collection and pulled out anything that "spoke" to me.
I hope you enjoy them. If you take one of my files (or all of them!) be sure to leave a comment to let me know you were here. I really enjoy reading your comments.
Hello everyone :) Here is my latest art journal page. It took some unexpected twists and turns. I learned some things, made a mess and had fun in the process. Isn't that what it's all about after all? I sure hope so lol. After the video was done, I turned to my art journal and it "told" me it needed a few more finishing touches. I smeared some gesso around the paper the quote is on and then dripped some white paint onto the pages. Sorry I didn't think of it while making the video.
Another Monday means another magazine page! I started out gesso'ing, (gessoing, gesso-ing) my pages and then added some embossing ink through some tape backing that has these little holes all over it. Then I added UTEE (Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel) to the ink. Here is what that looks like:
Gorgeous! Right? Lol maybe a little too soon to tell. So let's continue shall we? We shall :)
So I plopped some Magenta Paint onto these pages and then saturated the whole shebang with water and smeared it all around with a paintbrush. Once that was dry, I used a baby wipe to wipe the paint off the embossed areas. I then went around the edges with a purple dye based ink spray and blotted off any excess. Then I used my gesso again to block in the heart and then the letters. You can tell at the bottom of the pages I started to run out of room before letters so I had to squeeze them in there a little. I still like the way it looks. I painted over the gesso with acrylic paint and then drew over all that with painty pens, sharpies,
Bic Mark it's etc.
As always thanks for looking and I hope you have a fantastic and blessed Monday!
and had so much fun that I decided to make this one!
Then I stripped some of the pieces apart so you can use them without the frame.
Or without the heart. You could stamp inside the flower center with a small greeting or just write one in there!
Or the frame alone to stamp a greeting inside of, or another image you have at home.Use your imagination and be sure to show me what you come up with!
If you take one of my files, please leave me a comment to let me know you were here.
Please direct anyone here that you think might like to download my files.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great Friday!
Hugs, Dawn
Welcome to another fun filled episode of Art Spark Wednesday! This week I worked in my art journal. I am happy with the art I created this week. Not so happy with the editing I did. I do these videos a week behind just to give me extra time to edit and upload lol. I hope you like it. For some reason when I convert my video files they lose quality. My camcorder saves the files as .MTS which my computer doesn't recognise so I have to convert them to something my Windows Movie Maker can open. I think that is where the loss of quality comes in. Any tips or advice would be appreciated.
And finally this week's video:
Thanks for watching and have a creative Wednesday!
Here is this week's entry into my ESPN magazine. I love this verse. To start my pages I use gesso, which primes them so the original artwork, articles and text don't show and it gives a great base for my paint to stick to. This week I decided to use some of my homemade sprays on the background. I have ink refills for some dye based ink pads by Stampin' Up. I just added a few drops of color to a spray bottle and then added water. Here is the result after I applied several colors:
It was a little bright so I pounced some of the color off with my towel. Then dried everything with my heat tool.
I wasn't sure where to go from there, so I painted some flowers and used a Bible quote and some really old Wordsworth stamps! Does anyone remember these?
I used acrylic craft paints for this whole thing. Then traced around my leaves and stems with a Uniball pen.
When all that was dry, I flicked the whole page with white paint.