Thanks so much Tamara! She honored me with this award on her Blog "Scrapcation Getaway."

You are so kind! The rules for this award are that I must list five things I love and then pass it along to five other people.
So, Five things I love:
1) I love my family so, so much. The reasons are many and I wouldn't trade em for anything :)
2) My Friends, who I also consider my family and enrich my life in so many ways.
3) My Hobbies, they help me express myself, relax, and excite me all at the same time.
4) The Internet.....enough said lol
5) My Cell Phone, I was one of the last people on the planet to finally get one and now that I have it I cannot live without it. I heart texting :)
I would like to pass this blog award on to these 5 people: