I decided I needed a change in my craft space recently. I thought maybe if I rearranged everything that I would be more inspired to create. I had to pull everything out of there so I could get the table turned around, what a pain in the butt! There came a point halfway through the process when I looked around and my stuff was everywhere. I had to force myself to continue. You couldn't get into the bathroom because so much stuff was in front of the doorway. Things were stacked on my bed and dresser, you couldn't see the floor. Iyiyiyiyiyi. Once the table was in position it got alot easier. Bit by bit, I got everything moved back in. I wanted to have the table accomodate two people, but I just couldn't figure out a way to do it and have enough room for everything else. Until then, my daughter and I will continue to work on the dining room table ;) I wish I had thought to get some before and during photos, but I didn't :(
Here are the after photos though. The one above shows the view from my chair. I love looking at these things while I am crafting away. The canvas on the wall was created by my BFF
Jeanne. SHE ROCKS! In case you can't see it, it says : Best Friends, So much cheaper than a shrink LOL. I made the CREATE sign out of old CD's and some scrapbook paper and embellishments. You can also see my Monchichi my sister got me for Christmas last year. Awww the memories of childhood.
To the left of my chair sits 2 filing cabinets. The top with 8.5"x11" cardstock in hanging file folders the bottom filing cabinet holds all my sewing thread and misc. craft items. See my super cute elephant card on top? My BFF
Jeanne made that for me!! She's the best!

Here is my main crafting area. Complete with laptop so I can get my Skype on while crafting away. Jeanne and I live far apart, so we craft "together" through Skype and call it Cryping. That's a mash up of craft and Skype. ....Crype. It makes us laugh :)

This here is all my paper and supplies everything is within reach :)

Same view, only a little higher up on the wall. See the large light over my table? My hubby made that for me. He added a cord and light switch to the old florescent light for me. Don't worry, he's an electrician. It provides plenty of light, and I don't get those dang shadows anymore.

Last but not least, my rescued dresser that holds all my wood mounted stamps, the kids craft stuffs, extra school supplies and anything else that will fit in there. On top is my container for items that I want to alter. I also have some canisters sitting there and I have no idea what is inside them. I think I need to paint the dresser, it's very ummmm....blah lol.

I hope you enjoyed the tour :) I am off to create, have a fantastic day!
Hugs, Dawn