The challenge runs from Jan. 20, 2011 to Feb. 5, 2011! You can win a $20.00 Girft Certificate to the Pixie Shop!! Sounds like a fantastic prize to me! So I created a wall hanging that is based on the sketch and something I saw on katiebeecreative.com (here is a link to her beautiful creation). Mine is not magnetic. I cut the outside shape with my Cricut and SCAL2 Software using a file on the Kutups font and a piece of scrap paper. Then I traced the shape onto my chipboard and cut it out with an Exacto Knife and scissors. I arranged all the pattern papers I wanted to use on my Cricut mat and once again cut the same shape. Then adhered each piece to my chipboard. I sewed around the edges. I was a little nervous about using my sewing machine on thick chipboard, but it worked like a champ :) I also saw a tutorial online for these ribbon flowers and I had to try to make some, they look really cute (if I do say so myself). Unfortunately I cannot find the blog I originally saw them on. I did a search for Ribbon Loop Flowers and it brings up several sites for making them if you are interested. The finished size on this 11 1/2"x 11 1/2" I think that about does it. TADA!
Thanks for stopping by to have a look. Have a fantastic day :D