Hello Dear Readers!! I hope I have some left :D I have been away a long time without any posts. I appologize for my absence. I have so much to catch up on. Work, scrapping, cleaning, hanging out with my kids, rinse and repeat. Summer is hectic and our schedule is all over the place, kinda willy, nilly. Yesterday we we went swimming at my oldest son's girlfriend's house. We had a great time. I took pics, I will have to share some when and if I get permission from the girls in them :) I haven't been dieting or working out O.O I need to so badly. At this point I am afraid to step on a scale, so I just don't. Bad, I know......and I could say I am gonna do something about it starting right now! But that would be a lie. I may be chunky, but a liar I ain't! I need to find some motivation, maybe it's hiding under a rock somewhere, I wouldn't know I haven't gone looking for it. On another note, I have been enjoying working at the scrapbook store. I am starting to recognize our customers and have worked on some really fun projects. I was thrilled to sell the last page kit I put together. It's so cool that someone out there liked what I did well enough to buy it! Thank you awesome customer from the other day :) I have scrapbooked a few of my own pages recently as well and here are some photos. I will include the journaling as well since it may be hard to read in the photos.

Once Upon a Time.....
.......Emily and Chris were as close as two siblings could be. Wherever Chris went, so went Emily. He'll say he hated it, but it simply didn't come across that way, not to me. It was as if he expected her to go with him. When I look at these photos of Chris and Emily together in 2004, all I see there is love, and devotion. The kind a little sister carries for her older brother.
A mere 6 years leaves this relationship quite a bit different, but not entirely changed. As they get older their interests change. Emily started hanging out with her girlfriends and Chris found out that girls aren't icky lol. Emily may not be tagging along after her brother much anymore, but I know, they will always be there for each other. I hope that one day they both realize how special a relationship they have. Mom- 2010

You're only 9 once, enjoy it!

Summer Fun: Ryan and Sarah playing tag with the neighborhood children.

So Beautiful:I snapped this photo of my mom whil waiting for Chris's Graduation ceremony to start. I love how this photo turned out. My mom, the first person to love me, one of the best people on the planet! I got so lucky to be her daughter. I can't imagine a better role model.

CTF: I think every kid in the neighborhood showed up to play "Capture The Flag". I love it when the older kids find a way to play with the younger ones and no one fights or feels left out.
That's all from me today. I have been drawing a little each night, but nothing worth sharing so far. I hope you have a fantastic day. Thanks for stopping by :)